Friday, February 14, 2014

Fwd: Weekly Crime Update

Senior Lead Officer Lenny Davis 2-14-2014

Hello Silver Lake/Franklin Hills. Here are the crimes for your area February 2nd to February 8th. There were 8 reported crimes for this week.

AGG ASSAULT: *All addresses use the hundred block unless noted*

  • None

ROBBERY: *All addresses use the hundred block unless noted*

  • 2-8 at 1:15 AM Hyperion/Sunset-Bodily force used and a bike was taken
BURGLARY: *All addresses use the hundred block unless noted*

  • 2-3 at 9:00 AM 1800 Fanning
GTA: *All addresses use the hundred block unless noted*

  • 2-3 at 8:00 PM 1400 Occidental Honda was taken
  • 2-7 at 7:30 PM 1800 Griffith Park Toyota was taken

BFMV: *All addresses use the hundred block unless noted*

  • 2-3 at 7:00 PM 3100 Sunset BMW was broken into
  • 2-2 at 11:00 AM 1500 Mccollum Toyota was broken into

LARCENY: *All addresses use the hundred block unless noted*

  • 1-26 at 3:00 AM 2700 Riverside Dr
  • 1-30 at 9:50 PM 2520 Glendale


Key: Aggravated Assault-Assault with a deadly weapon

Burglary: Entering a dwelling with the intent to commit theft or any felony

GTA-Grand Theft Auto

BFMV-Burglary From Motor Vehicle

Robbery-Taking of property with the use of force or fear


If you have any questions or want additional information, please feel free to contact me at 213.793.0763 or email at

Here are some additional contact numbers. Gangs: (323) 344-5726 / Narcotics: (323) 344-5738 / Vice: (323) 344-5739 / Community Relations: (323) 344-5717 / LA City Service Line 311

Important Telephone Numbers | EMERGENCY CALL 911
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